Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Tamia Dicks

Title: From Victim to Victor

Subtitle: A Woman’s Journey of Trauma and Agency in Francois Smith’s The Camp Whore

Journal: Imbizo: International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies

Volume: (Published online before print)


Year: November 2024 (Published online: November 6, 2024)

Pages: 18 pages

eISSN: 2663-6565 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | African History: South African History; European History: English History | Cases: Fictional Victims / Susan Nell; Types: Rape; Types: Wartime Sexual Violence / Second Boer War; Representations: Literary Texts / Francois Smith


Link: University of South Africa Press (Restricted Access)


Author: ORCID, ResearchGate

Abstract: »This article analyses Francois Smith’s novel of the Anglo-Boer War, titled Kamphoer in Afrikaans and translated into English as The Camp Whore. Smith’s novel draws on, but diverges from, Nico Moolman’s The Boer Whore, as Smith explores Susan Nell’s personal life through a novelistic approach and explores how the confrontation with one of her rapists may have played out. This article examines the interplay of war, sexual assault, and female agency. I argue that although Susan encounters feelings of pain and violation during her experiences, she transitions from being a victim and marginalised character to being empowered. Susan gains empowerment through her education, her profession as a psychiatric nurse, getting revenge on her perpetrator, and narrating her experience, thus taking back control over her life.« (Source: Imbizo)

Wikipedia: History of Africa: History of South Africa / History of South Africa (1815–1910) | History of Europe: History of England / Internment: Concentration camp / Second Boer War concentration camps | Literature: South African literature | Sex and the law: Rape / Wartime sexual violence | War: Second Boer War / Second Boer War crimes